Project SX: Student Experience Journey Mapping
After a successful launch and implementation of Project Kondo, a full website redesign and digital transformation initiative (, in November 2019, National College Australia (NCA), a respected Registered Training Organisation (RTO) offering nationally accredited Certificate and Diploma level online courses with work placement in Aged Care, Disability, Community Services, Mental Health, Allied Health, Leisure & Health and Leadership & Management, launches a new project named Project SX, spearheaded by NCAs Head of Marketing, Jenny Lee-koksal with the full support of NCAs Principal Executive Officer (PEO), Mark Duncan.
Related Article: NCA launches Project Kondo, NCAs Website Redesign & Digital Transformation Initiative
What is Project SX?
Why lead a Student Experience Journey Mapping Initiative?
NCAs Head of Marketing, Jenny explains: ‘We receive a lot of student feedback, many positive experience stories to not-so-great experiences as well. It’s the not-so-great experiences we want to focus on. By shining a spotlight on what students are telling us on ‘what we can improve on’, we can begin to comprehensively look at our current business processes and student experiences to shape the experiences our students not only want and need but expect from us.
This view is fully supported by Mark Duncan, NCAs PEO, who strongly believes in delivering a personalised and a well-supported student experience journey is critical to not only meet student priorities and expectations but to transform NCA from a respected RTO in the market to a respected ‘market leader’ in the RTO space.
What are the expected benefits of Project SX?
We are eager to gain valuable insights into our current student experiences which we hope it’ll help us realise the benefits we expect to gain from mapping student journeys.
Understand Students’ Feelings
Our primary focus is on our students. We want to identify the pain points our students face and uncover the ‘frustrations’ felt by students and understand where it hurts the most.
We want to understand our student’s feelings and discover the potential situations that may arise for our students.
By analysing data and understanding our students' feelings at every touchpoint, we expect to better understand how to reduce student frustrations and create better experiences.
Identify Key RTO Issues
Our next area of focus is on us as an RTO in how we currently deliver student experiences.
The student experience maps will enable us to roleplay as students and try to understand from their perspective as much as possible, the good and not so good. As we analyse the process of moving from one touch-point to another, we expect to identify where problems occur and understand what we need to do to remove these ‘frustration spots’ for not only our students but for our team members as well.
Engage Employees
We cannot leave out our valuable staff and team members who are our RTO representatives and student contact points.
We strongly believe Project SX will be an ideal opportunity for engaging our team members and grow their motivation to be a crucial stakeholder in the success of this initiative. As team members are encouraged to participate and share their ideas and experiences in improving student experiences, we are certain that our team members will feel more empathy for their peers as well as for students, and be empowered to make a difference.
Improve Student Experiences
No doubt, we expect to improve student experiences as our overall goal and objective of Project SX.
We expect to be better enabled and capable of solving problems proactively and find innovative ways to continuously improve student experiences and business practices.
We want our current and future students to be the true winners and the main benefactors of Project SX.
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