NCAs Website gets a complete makeover!
We are super excited and delighted to announce the launch of National College Australia's (NCA) newly redesigned website. Same website address ( but a completely new look and feel.
Come Monday, 25th November, you'll be able to experience the 'refreshed and vibrant' NCA! Look forward to seeing you there!
Our vision and goal for this newly redesigned website was to enhance our user's website experience, in particular, for our valued students. Our design goal was to simplify our website visitor's browsing experience so we have done this. We have de-cluttered or 'Kondoed' our website. We have sprinkled and sparked lots of joy for our visitors and users.
Our website redesign project was launched, aptly named, Project Kondo because we saw the need to 'de-clutter' and spark browsing and interaction joy for all our website users and visitors. - Jenny Lee-Koksal (Head of Marketing, NCA)
We aptly named our website redesign project, Project Kondo because we saw the need de-clutter and spark browsing and interaction joy for our students and visitors. #websiteredesign #enhanceuserexperience #declutter @NatCollegeAus
NCA Course Quiz
Time after time, our Course Advisors have said, we need to make it easier for learners to choose the course that is right for them, so we listened. On our newly redesigned website, we offer our visitors to try out our Course Quiz.
Confused? Not sure which course is RIGHT for you? Get Started on a Course Quiz!
The Course Quiz is a short 3 minute quiz designed to help students understand which courses to explore that best suit their work style and preferred job tasks. Based on the preferred job task quiz results, it suggests relevant courses for further exploration and consideration.
Confused? Not sure which course is RIGHT for you? Get Started and Take a NCA Course Quiz. #coursequiz @NatCollegeAus
NCA Course Guide Download
After completing the Course Quiz, you can Download a Course Guide to learn more about the course units, duration, pricing, funding eligibility, payment plan options, work placement requirements and much more.
Learn more about your interested courses by Downloading a Course Guide.
With the Course Guide Download feature, you can easily collate all the information you need in one go to make an informed decision regarding your learning journey. No more chasing of information here and there!
NCA Course Guide Download feature - easily collate all the information you need in one go to make an informed decision regarding your learning journy #courseguide #courseguidedownload #learningjourney @NatCollegeAus
More ways to Chat with NCA Course Advisors
You can continue to Live Chat with our Course Advisors, email and call. These modes of communication will always be available but we've taken things a little bit further. You'll be able to Facebook Message and send us a SMS! Our Course Advisors have a dedicated SMS number +61 438 688 672, and from your smartphone you can Click to Call and Click to Text!
More ways to chat with NCA Course Advisors to make an informed decsion!
- Start a LiveChat
- Send Us a Facebook Message
- Text Us a Message [Click to Text]
- Email Us
- Call Us [Click to Call]
Facebook Message, LiveChat, Text, Email or Call our NCA Course Advisors to make an informed decision regarding course and study options #courseadvisors @NatCollegeAus
Student Testimonials
We have collected many Happy Student Stories along the way, and now we can proudly show them off via our new Student Testimonials slider. Not only can you read about successful student outcomes, you can submit a testimonial plus a photo directly on our newly redesigned website.
Reading student testimonials will help you in your decision making journey to study with us!
Happy NCA Student Stories - view Student Testimonials and submit your own via our website . #happystudentstories #studenttestimonials @NatCollegeAus
To enable our visitors and learners access to much needed FAQs, we have created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page categorised by key touch points following a student's learning journey.
FAQs are designed to equip you with relevant and vital information to make informed study decisions.
FAQs are broken down into the following sections:
- National College Australia (NCA)
- Overseas Students & Visa Eligibility
- Application and Enrolment
- Courses
- Funding, Fees & Payments
- Student Support & Services
- NCA Point Learning Portal & IT Support
- Work Placement
FAQs are designed to equip learners with relevant and vital information to make informed study decisions. #faq #frequentlyaskedquestions @NatCollegeAus
Study & Course Resources
We have refreshed our 'blog' section and have included many useful, relevant and helpful tips and articles supporting all the courses we offer across Aged Care, Mental Health, Disability, Community Services, Allied Health and Leisure & Health.
Our Study and Course Resources page includes qualification relevant articles curated by NCA as well as helpful tips to boost our student's learning journey.
Our Study & Course Resources page includes helpful tips and articles to boost our student's learning journey. #studyresources #courseresources @NatCollegeAus
So, our big launch date is Monday, 25 November 2019. We look forward to your many visits and interactions with us on our newly redesigned website.
Remember, same website address: but a completely refreshed look and feel eagerly awaiting your visit!
Download a Course Guide to learn more about:
The Course Guide contains everything you need to know before enrolling.
You will also receive a FREE Consultation with a Course Advisor to discuss your course options.